Global Cup 2018

USA wins month of April ahead of Kenya

Desiree Linden, first US winner of the Boston Women’s Marathon in 33 years

The USA, Global Cup champions in 2017, have finally put their mark on the 2018 edition of GSN’s unique ranking of the

Norway’s Domination of World Sport Continues

Christian Nummedal (Norway) leaps to Big Air victory in the Freestyle Skiing World Cup

Norway won the month of March in the Global Cup, the ranking of the world’s best sporting nations, consolidating thei

Norway tops both Global Cup, Per Capita Cup after February

Axel-Lund Svindal (Norway) won gold in the Men’s Alpine Skiing Downhill at the PyeongChang Olympics

After their exploits at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics,

Norway wins month of February ahead of USA, Germany

Ester Ledecka (Czech Republic) won two Olympic golds at PyeongChang 2018, in two different sports, Snowboarding and Alpine Skiin

Norway won the month of February in the 2018 Global Cup, the annual ranking of the world's best sporting nations.

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